In this interactive VR artwork, audiences find themselves within a long corridor inhabited by curving forms that represent the dynamic nature of human conversation. Each curve is a visual metaphor for a dialogue between two people, its contours shaped by markers drawn from conversation analysis research. The undulations and oscillations of the curves express the flow of empathy, tension, or connection present within each exchange, making the invisible nuances of communication visible and tangible.

As you move through the corridor, you are invited to interact with the curves by intersecting your hand with any point on a curve, you activate the dialogue at that moment, hearing the voices and visually following their progression as they move along the curve. These conversations embody moments of agreement, conflict, musunderstanding and emotional resonance, offering an exploration of how empathy is conveyed through conversational signals.

In this glitch edition, the artwork playfully deconstructs and exposes the subtle differences in various types of dialogues found in popular culture. With a touch of irony, it reveals how familiar exchanges—whether from films, media, or everyday life—carry complex emotional undercurrents that often go unnoticed. This VR artwork intends to transforms these conversations into a visceral, interactive journey, challenging audiences to consider the affective textures of communication in a new light.

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